The Java Posse
Serving the Java Community since 2005
Tor Norbye (Google), Carl Quinn (Netflix), Dick Wall (Escalate), Chet Haase (Google)

Newscast for June 23rd 2010 

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at


Stairway to Scala training, now open for business

We would love to hear from you about whether and why you are/are not interested.


Or you can contact us with queries about Scala (or Android) training and consulting at:

Quick News


End Stuff


The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall
Direct download: JavaPosse312.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:31pm PST

Java Posse Episode 311 - Newscast for June 11th 2010

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at

Quick News

  • Apple has released Java updates for Mac OS X mirroring the recent security bug fixes in Java 6 U20.



  • We mentioned this story briefly in episode 309 but now have more details. Palm has lost their lead webOS designer to Google, where he will be working on Android.
  • Qualcomm has announced new dual-core 1.2 GHz snapdragon CPUs to be available before the end of the year.


The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall

Direct download: javaPosse311.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm PST

Roundup '10 - Design vs Engineering

Fully formatted shownotes can always be found at


Recorded at the Java Posse Roundup 2010 in Crested Butte, CO. A discussion about the schism between design and engineering, and how it can be bridged.


The Java Posse consists of Tor Norbye, Carl Quinn, Joe Nuxoll and Dick Wall

Direct download: JavaPosse310.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am PST


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